Changing States
For Physical Science: Forces in Motion  


Understand the relationship by vibrating objects and columns of air


The Phenomenon Of Sound: Waves

Inquiry-Based Science
​Let's hear it for sound!

​ Understand the relationship between sound and vibrating objects.
Illustrate how sound is produced by vibrating objects and columns of air.



Summarize the relationship between sound and objects of the body that vibrate – eardrum and vocal cords.

How loud is too loud 

​Sound Vibrations
​Sound and Solids: Visualizing Vibrations
​Sounds for kids video

Physical Science: Matter: Properties and Change


Understand properties of solids and liquids and the changes they undergo

Give examples of matter that change from a solid to a liquid and from a liquid to a solid by heating and cooling.

Changing States


Compare the amount (volume and weight) of water in a container before and after freezing.

​Lesson Plans

​Science Matters


Compare what happens to water left in an open container over time as to water left in a closed container.

Earth Science:

Earth Systems, Structures and Processes 


Understand patterns of weather and factors that affect weather

Summarize how energy from the sun serves as a source of light that warms the land, air and water.

​factors that affect wheather


Summarize weather conditions using qualitative and quantitative measures to describe:

  · Temperature
  · Wind direction
  · Wind speed
  · Precipitation



Compare weather patterns that occur over time and relate observable patterns to time of day and time of year.


Recognize the tools that scientists use for observing, recording, and predicting weather changes from day to day and during the seasons.

Life Science: Structures and Functions of Living Organisms 


Understand animal life cycles

Summarize the life cycle of animals including:

 ​Animal Life Cycles


Compare life cycles of different animals such as, but not limited to, mealworms, ladybugs, crickets, guppies or frogs.

Life Science: Evolution and Genetics 


Remember that organisms differ from or are similar to their parents based on the characteristics of the organism

Identify ways in which many plants and animals closely resemble their parents in observed appearance and ways they are different.


Recognize that there is variation among individuals that are related.