Kindergarten Math Interactive Links
7.Kindergarten Grade Standards

Standard 1: Students will understand simple number concepts and relationships
Identify and use whole numbers 
Identify simple relationships among whole numbers
Model and illustrate meanings of the operations of addition and subtraction and describe how they relate.

Standard 2: Students will identify and use patterns to represent mathematical situations.
Identify and sort objects according to common attributes
Identify and use patterns to describe numbers or objects

Standard 3: Students recognize, describe and identify simple geometric shapes.
Identify and create simple geometric shapes
Describe simple spatial relationships

Standard 4: Students will use simple measurement tools and techniques
Identify measurable attributes of objects and units of measurement
Use appropriate techniques and tools to determine measurements

Standard 5: Students will collect and draw conclusions from data.
Collect, organize and display simple data
Number and Operations, Algebra , Algebra , Measurement,Data Analysis and Probability, Data Analysis and Probability

(Resources for Older Standards)Number and Operations, Algebra , Algebra , Measurement,Data Analysis and Probability, Data Analysis and Probability

On-line Math Worksheet Generator